

Xove - Lugo

43º 43' 24.2" N - 7º 28' 21.7" W

The Walk

From punta Morás to praia de Sucastro 
Os cantís de papel

We will start the route at cabo Morás and, in the surroundings of the starting point, we will notice the presence of numerous and gigantic pieces of concrete that were once used to build the port of San Cibrao. From here we can see the Farallóns islets to the east and As Salseiras to the west and the islet of Ansarón which, at 80 m high and covering 10 hectares, is one of the largest islands off the coast of Lugo and a breeding place for seabirds such as the yellow-legged gull, the cormorant and oystercatchers. We will walk along the edge of the cliffs of Morás which, with an approximate height of 32 m, run along the coast of a Cantabrian Sea that hits with force to mould the rocks as if they were paper, a spot that is also popularly known as the Cantís de Papel. Although the proposed walk is just over 2 km long to praia de Sucastro, we can continue the route to the punta Roncadoira lighthouse, for which we will have to walk a further 5 km. Once there, we recommend the climb to monte Castelo to visit two of the most beautiful benches in our geography, the Naciente and Poniente (Rising and Setting) benches, privileged places from which to enjoy the sunrise and sunset, as well as the views of a wide stretch of the western Costa da Mariña between San Cibrao and monte do Faro.


Length: 2.3 km (one way)
starting point: Cabo Morás 43º43'24.20"N / 7º28'21.79"W
End Point : Praia de Sucastro 43°43'21.92"N / 7°30'9.97"W

Accessibility to consider

Rugged terrain
Steep slopes


Contemplating the sea
Initial pickup date: 01/01/2021