On the Way of St. James


Monforte de Lemos - Lugo

42º 31' 09.5" N - 7º 31' 06.6" W

The Ways of St. James

The Winter Camino

The Walk

On the Cabe River banks 
In the county of Lemos

Monforte was a sacred and county town which had its period of greatest splendour in the 16th and 17th centuries as the capital of the County of Lemos, one of the most important noble titles in Spain; and it is precisely to the counts and countesses of the House of Lemos that it owes the great historical and artistic legacy that it has.

But there is another factor that was already very important in the 19th century in the development of this city: the arrival of the railway in 1883 made it the main railway junction in Galicia, as it was here where the line from the Meseta to Vigo and A Coruña branched off. 

The city is crossed by the Cabe River, the backbone of this circular route that runs from the parque dos Condes to the parish of Piñeira. This is a trail prepared to be walked along the two banks of the river, with several bridges, sports and rest areas.

 In addition, during the summer there is a boat rental service in which you can sail along the Cabe, which is undoubtedly another attraction that makes this place an ideal spot to be enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.


Length: 5.2 km
starting point: Parque dos Condes 42°31'9.56"N / 7°31'6.68"W
Circular walk


On the river bank
Initial pickup date: 01/01/2021