

Oza-Cesuras - A Coruña

43º 08' 34.2" N - 8º 09' 25.0" W

The Walk

A Rexidoira Waterfalls
Roaring from the Mendo River

This is a short walk, with a certain degree of difficulty, which will allow us to see several waterfalls on the Mendo River. We start our walk next to the old road workers’ house, where a wooden structure offers us the opportunity to play and learn about some of the trades of the area. Then, after crossing the river, a dirt road leads to the waterfalls. It is signposted as SM17, of the Mandeo Footpaths network (Sendas do Mandeo).

After about 200 m you will come to a signpost that leads to waterfalls 1 and 2. We must pay attention to the route, as from here on it is a path that can be slippery, especially in the rainy season. There is in fact a shortcut that can take you to waterfalls 2 and 3, but we recommend going back and following the signposted path. After a few metres we will find the descent to the latter, called pozo da Ola. Returning to the road, we will continue towards the last waterfall, known as O Batán. The return is along a path guided by the signposts that will take you back to the forest trail and to the starting point.


Length: 1,29 km (circular)
starting point:
Old road worker's house (43°08'34.04''N / 8°09'25.23''W)
End Point :
Old road worker's house (43°08'34.04''N / 8°09'25.23''W)
Circular walk

Accessibility to consider

Rugged terrain
Slippery terrain areas
Slopes with stairs


Discovering waterfalls
Initial pickup date: 01/01/2021