Una vez en tierra:
Night Approximation: Proceed in the same way, taking into account the buoy markers:
Coming from the N, sail along the coast with the help of the Cabo Prior lighthouse (Gp Fl(1+2)W 15s 107m 22M) based on the light from Cabo Prioriño Chico lighthouse (Fl W 5s 36m 23M, visible between 225º and 129.5º), which will guide you to the entrance along with the red buoy at the end of the new Exterior Port jetty. At that point, continue sailing along the channel marked by the 8 remaining buoys, along with the lighted San Martín leading line (085.2º; ant. Fl W 1.5s and post. Oc W 4s) and the lights of Castillo de A Palma lighthouse (Gp Oc(1+2)W 7s 11m 7M). At the end of Concepción Arenal quay, which shelters Curuxeiras dock, you will see the red light (Gp Fl(4)R 11s 7m 3M), which indicates the entrance to Club do Mar Ferrol.
Coming from the W, sail based on the Prioriño Chico lighthouse, following the indications above.
Day aproximación: With the construction of Ferrol’s new Exterior Port (which was still underway at the time of publication) the marker buoys are provisional, although you can follow the indications below: At a distance of 1 or 2 M to the W of the current exterior breakwater, head towards the marker at the end of the jetty, giving it a berth of about 250 m, until the buoy is off the port beam. At that point, set a course of 040º to the leading line on San Martín point and the buoys that mark the channel. Entry is not generally complicated, as long as you follow the buoyed channel (with a minimum width of 160 m and a draught of no less than 12 m) until you pass San Felipe Castle and A Palma Castle. Once you have passed the latter, sail with O Baño Inlet and the small Mugardos fishing port to starboard, at which point you must set a course of 060º towards the breakwater quay that shelters the Curuxeiras dock, where you will find part of the Club do Mar Ferrol facilities. The rest of the moorings are located at A Graña dock, which is visible to port as you enter, after the Oil Quay and the military facilities at the A Graña Naval Base. Take into account the flow currents that are generated after low tide, which draw you in at a speed of 4 knots. The opposite occurs at high tide, when there is a certain amount of swells at the entrance.