Nautical facilities


Street: Avda. Juan Gago de Mendoza 167

36913  Marín - Pontevedra

42º 22' 05.0" N - 8º 44' 00.9" W
+34 986 702 373
+34 986 702 708


Una vez en tierra: Marín’s proximity to the provincial capital has not made it lose its personality, as it skilfully takes advantage of its tourist assets. It is a large fishing and commercial port in the Pontevedra estuary; its cargo traffic is one of the most important in Galicia. Its name is associated with the Military Naval School and the training ship Juan Sebastián Elcano, which may be docked at the port follow another trip around the world.
Recreational sailing is concentrated in Aguete: port, beach and town. The coast is a series of rocky shores, crystal-clear waters and clean sandy beaches protected by the vegetation. Beaches such as Mogor offer an interesting collection of petroglyphs with their mysterious labyrinth, well preserved and accessible on the front line of the coast. The island of Tambo, which is located inside the estuary, is a sight to see.
In the interior of O Morrazo peninsula, the Alto de Cotorredondo and Laguna de Castiñeiras recreational area offers a natural viewpoint over the Rías Baixas.
Night Approximation: Proceed in the same way, taking into account the buoy markers:
Coming from the South, sail based on the SW entrance to the Pontevedra estuary, which passes between the Couso point lighthouse (Gp Fl(3)WG 10.5s 20m W10M G8M) and the Ons Island lighthouse (Gp Fl(4)W 24s 127m 25M). On their opposition line, set a course of approximately 040º until you see, off the starboard side, the green light (Gp Fl(2)G 7s 12m 5M) on Cabezo de la Mourisca shoal, located just over half a mile to the NE of Cabo de Udra. Continue sailing towards the NE on course to pass beside the red light (Iso R 5s 4M) of the buoy on the Cabezo de Mozarrán shoal. With it off the port side, you will see, off the prow, the lighthouse (Gp Oc(3)W 8s 35m 11M) on Punta Tenlo Chico on Tambo Island and the light from the undersea emissary buoy (Gp Fl(4)Y 11s 5M) located just under half a mile to the E of Punta Tenlo, and, off the starboard bow, the green lights (Gp Fl(4)G 11s 3M and Gp Fl(2)G 7s 1M) that mark the entrance to the port.
Day aproximación: Real Club de Mar de Aguete is located on the SE coast of the Pontevedra estuary, between Marín and Punta Loira, well visible from the sea due to the number of anchored boats and the breakwaters. To reach it, simply follow any of the entrances to the estuary, whose access channels are described below:
• The first goes between Fagilda shoal and Picamillo, with a depth of between 9.4 m and 15 m. It is the main one for entering through the NW entrance. To take this pass, take a bearing of 325º towards Mount Facho, in Corrubedo, with the part of O Grove peninsula that projects furthest into the sea.
• The second channel passes between the Os Camoucos shoals and Ons Island. It is just 0.3 M wide and has a draught of between 7 m and 15 m. The shoals are marked with buoys, so you will need only gauge the passage between Ons Island and the buoy. Once through the channel, if you want to continue to the S of Ons Island, you must give it a berth of at least 400 m.
• The third channel is the one that crosses the SW entrance. This is the safest one and the only one manageable with any type of sea.
Once inside the estuary, sail towards the inside leaving Bueu inlet off the starboard quarter, following the SE coast of the estuary close enough to land to see the yacht club facilities.


Depth at inner harbour (m): 2.5
Crane (tons): 5
Width of harbout mouth (m): 15
Depth at harbour mouth (m): 3.50
Number of temporary moorings: 2
Number of permanent moorings: 50

Navigation charts

SHOM: 7596
I.H.M.: 416,416A,9251,4162
Admiralty: 1758

Services facility

Car Park
Credit Cards Accepted
Diesel Fuel
Electricity at berth
Engine mechanic & electrician
Hull treatments
Manned security
Marpol service
Meteorological information
Night lighting
Public telephone
Radio (VHF 9)
Rubbish collection
Sailing club
Showers and WC
Slipway ramp
Water supply at berth
Activities and sports Nautical facilities Nautical-Sporting facilities. Sea