On the Way of St. James



A Estrada | Campo Lameiro | Cerdedo-Cotobade | Cuntis | Ponte Caldelas | Redondela | Soutomaior | Vigo

A Coruña

Santiago de Compostela | Teo

42º 15' 11.3" N - 8º 40' 56.6" W
42º 52' 49.3" N - 8º 32' 42.4" W


The GR 94 pathway, located in the south-west of Galicia, is a road that joins the sea and the mountains, running south to north.

In Vigo, the route draws near two promontories famous for their panoramic views: A Madroa on the Vigo Ria and Castro de Negros over the River Maceiras valley, Redondela and San Simón bay. The first landmark in the road is Soutomaior Castle, a medieval stronghold in a harmonious setting.

Leaving behind the Church of Rial and the Comboa Bridge over the River Verduxo and after a short deviation, the route surprises us with the Almofrei Bridge and its extraordinary location. Here, the river runs down forming deep pools in a steep, rocky area.

Rural architecture can be seen in the Rascaderia hórreos (raised granaries), in the old Cuspedriños fair and in Cequeril church-rectory complex. The symbolic, ancient carballeiras (oak groves) add their beauty to the pathway in San Xusto. The petroglyphs are a reminder of a remote past that walkers can find in Paredes.

This route could also be known as the Pathway of the Bridges due to the numerous rivers that it crosses.


A Madroa is one of the most famous viewpoints in Vigo. In Santiago de Compostela, the district of Conxo

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
Portiguese Route by coast
The English Camino
The Fistera-Muxía Camino
The French Camino
The Northern Camino
The Primitive Camino
The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla
The Winter Camino
Vía de la Plata

A plus


Petroglyphs consist of open-air rupestrian engravings made during the Bronze Age.

Among the most often-repeated geometrical motifs are bowls, circular combinations, labyrinths, spirals, etc. They also depict different kinds of weapons, and anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures (deer, horses and snakes).

The Rock Art Archaeological Park in Campo Lameiro (Pontevedra) is home to one of the most important groups of petroglyphs in Europe. An exhibition space and a cultural landscape spanning 22 hectares that will take you on a journey back in time to the Bronze Age.


Point of Departure / Arrival

Point of arrival: Barrio de Conxo (Santiago de Compostela) - UTM:29T X:536340 Y: 4748570
Starting point: A Madroa, Teis (Vigo) Teis - UTM:29T X:526310 Y:4678150


Vigo, Soutomaior, Campo Lameiro, Cequeril, Luou and Santiago de Compostela.





With the GR 53 and PR-G 230.


If you plan to do it “in one go”, you are advised to take sufficient protective clothing and food.


In Vigo, Redondela, Soutomaior,Vilarchán, Xesteira, Sacos, Cimadevila, Cequiril, Sebil, Cuntis, Portela, Vea, Luou and Solláns.


Effort M.I.D.E.:
Itinerary M.I.D.E.:
Displacement M.I.D.E.:
Enviroment M.I.D.E.:

Bicycle access

Partially suitable

Horse access

Partially suitable

cartography I.G.N. (1:25:000)

94-IV Santiago de Compostela, 120-II Extramundi de Abaixo, 120-IV Padrón, 152-II Caldas de Reis, 152-IV Cutián, 153-I Codeseda, 153-III Cerdedo, 185-II Pontevedra, 185-IV Soutomaior, 186-I Cotobade, 223-II Redondela, 223-IV Mos.

Further information

Club Peña Trevinca Montañeiros de Galicia

Tel.: 986 420 551

Kind of route

Large travel


Scenic interest


Initial pickup date: 01/08/2019