Tourist Interest
On the Way of St. James
Dates of celebration: 01/03 - 03/03


Baiona - Pontevedra

42º 07' 15.9" N - 8º 50' 47.9" W


The town of Baiona was the first place on the Old Continent to find out about the existence of a new world. In 1493, Martín Pinzón, commanding the caravel Pinta, landed there with news of the existence of another world and the evidence that proved it. In memory of that historical event, every year a performance takes place on the beach that begins with the landing of Pinzón and his battered crew, bringing two people from these new lands and food products unknown until then in Europe, which would give credibility to the fabulous news from Columbus’ companion in that feat.
The whole of Baiona dress-up in a medieval-style clothing. The port area and the streets of the old town become a large open-air market, with stalls selling food and craft products, with live medieval music being played. Nobles, knights, merchants, artisans, peasants and maids stroll through the streets, in an authentic and unified recreation of the historical atmosphere, with maroon-coloured canvas awnings, and stalls that respect medieval aesthetics, both in their equipment and in their design. In the squares, some artisans give live demonstrations of their trade; the troubadours recite ballads and cantigas; knights and squires demonstrate falconry; comedians and jugglers put on their shows... There is also the performance, on the beach, of a fight between knights for the love of a princess, which adds the finishing touch to one of the best historical festivities celebrated in Galicia.

Performance on the beach of the landing of Pinzón's crew and the declaration of the discovery of a new world.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route by coast

Further features

Festivities Tourist Interest Festivals of International Tourist Interest