On the Way of St. James


Avenida de Montero Ríos 38

36201  Vigo - Pontevedra

42º 14' 25.9" N - 8º 43' 15.9" W


The building was built in 1904 by Jenaro de la Fuente Domínguez. It has four floors and a corner which serves as an axis of symmetry between its two facades. The two central sections are interesting as they are differentiated by the semicircular arches in their openings, their greater ornamentation, and for the ventilation oculus situated in the upper part of the building. The building is finished by a protruding cornice with a balustrade. The facade facing Montero Ríos is interesting because it has a central part which is marked by wide, channelled pilasters with eclectic capitals, and which supports a heavily decorated circular pediment. On the ground floor there are two large corbels with scrolls which support the balcony and highlight the entrance to the building. The facade facing Concepción Arenal is simpler and is framed by pilasters on bolsters and crowned with a decorated circular pediment. The whole building is built of worked granite masonry, and its plainness is offset by the small balconies on all of the openings, which provide protection from the rain.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route by coast