On the Way of St. James


Rúa das Orfas 5

15703  Santiago de Compostela - A Coruña

42º 52' 39.9" N - 8º 32' 35.9" W
+34 981 585 850
+34 981 561 402


It belongs to the order of the Daughters of Charity. A College founded by the Archbishop Juan de San Clemente to accommodate orphan girls. Built by Melchor de Velasco (1664), reforms were carried out on the church by Friar Gabriel de Casas (1698) and, on the college, by Fernando de Casas y Novoa (1715). In granite masonry, it stands on a Latin-cross ground plan with a single aisle. The roof is a barrel vault with vault arches held up by Tuscan order pillars. The facade has two giant Tuscan pillars that reach up the cornice and eaves. The doorway is surrouinded by thick moulding, which outline wing moulding on its upper corners, and above it, a blind window that repeats this decoration. The entablature and the pediment accommodate the arms of Archbishop San Clemente. The college doorway is divided into two sections: the lower part is flanked by two pilasters holding up the entablature. The upper part has a niche framed by two pillars with Corinthian capitals holding a curved pediment. On both sides, there is decoración of garlands of fruit. The bell-tower stands in one single sectio, acting as a division between the church and the college.

The Ways of St. James

Portiguese Route
Portiguese Route by coast
The English Camino
The Fistera-Muxía Camino
The French Camino
The Northern Camino
The Primitive Camino
The Route of the Sea of Arousa and River Ulla
The Winter Camino
Vía de la Plata



Religious order

S. Vincent de Paul