On the Way of St. James


Fisterra - A Coruña

42º 53' 31.4" N - 9º 16' 25.6" W

The Ways of St. James

The Fistera-Muxía Camino

The Walk

Around monte do Facho
Legends at the end of the world

This route is a proposal to learn more about the surroundings of the well-known lighthouse of Fisterra, which will bring us closer to monte do Facho and the hermitage of San Guillerme, related to fertility rites and the ara solis or altar of the Sun built by the Romans who considered this land the end of the world.

We will begin our walk along a forest path that descends with a steep slope, giving us views of the illote da Centola de Fisterra and to the north we can already make out the cabo da Nave, and monte Veladoiro which dominates this stretch of the coast. The path is flatter until we reach a crossroads, which offers good views of praia do Mar de Fóra. We recommend visiting it later, as it is worth walking the path and the wooden walkway that leads to it.

But returning to our route, the road climbs through pine forests, which we will appreciate on sunny days, accompanied by the songs of the birds that live there. We soon reach a crossroads and follow the signposts to San Guillerme. The ruins of this ancient hermitage are on the left, by a detour of only 300 m. Located at an altitude of 220 m, at the foot of a large rock that serves as a shelter, we can find remains of offerings and a flagstone related to fertility rites. According to archaeology, the place was occupied since the 12th century, being totally abandoned in the 18th century, but there are historians who relate it to William X, Duke of Aquitaine, who made a pilgrimage to Compostela, or perhaps to a Saint William who lived at the time of Charlemagne.

Legends aside, the place offers an incredible panoramic view of the coastline, with views of the town of Fisterra and praia Langosteira; the ría de Corcubión and the coast of Cee; O Ézaro with the unmistakable rocky mass of monte Pindo, the sandy area of Carnota and monte Louro. Back to the track that we left to come to San Guillerme, we continue along it until we reach the road that goes up from the lighthouse of Fisterra to monte do Facho, thus ending this circular route.


Length: 4.1 km
starting point: Monte do Facho (42°53'34.33"N / 9°16'25.12"W)
End Point : Monte do Facho (42°53'34.33"N / 9°16'25.12"W)
Circular walk

Accessibility to consider

Steep slopes


Contemplating the sea
Initial pickup date: 01/01/2021