The Starlight Foundation, an international organisation linked to the Instituto Astrofísico de Canarias, created a certification system, through which those areas with excellent sky quality and which represent an example of protection and conservation are accredited. These are scenarios that include stargazing as part of their natural, scenic, cultural or scientific heritage and in turn, promote stargazing tourism. This certification scheme is supported by UNESCO, the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Starlight Tourist Destinations are places to visit that enjoy excellent conditions for the observation of starry skies and that, being protected against light pollution, are particularly suitable for the development of tourism activities based on this natural resource.

Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park


 The Atlantic Islands of Galicia National Park is located in the Rías Baixas and is composed of four archipelagos: Cortegada and Sálvora in the estuary Ría de Arousa, Ons in front of the Pontevedra estuary, and Cíes, closing the estuary Ría de Vigo.

The spectacular nights of the islands allow for an unbeatable view of the starry sky. On the other hand, thanks to their diversity (both in terms of fauna and flora) and the spectacular landscapes, these islands constitute a unique cultural and natural heritage on the Spanish coast.

The Starlight destination hosts activities in its Interpretation Centres related to the observation and protection of the night sky, with two stations that measure its brightness, as well as actions on the ground on the islands.


A Costa da Morte

A Costa da Morte occupies the northwest segment of the Galician coastline, stretching over two dozen kilometres, within the limits of the province of Coruña. In this rugged destination, we can find safe beaches and beautiful canyons that can be discovered between lighthouse and lighthouse. The spectacular starry skies and sunsets over the Atlantic Ocean are unparalleled, in fact, on the Costa da Morte you can experience the last sunset of continental Europe the last sunset of continental Europe. Furthermore, it has a great environmental value, as a large part of its territory forms part of the Natura 2000 Network and is home to at least two Sites of Community Importance and a Special Protection Area for Birds, a Protected Landscape and many places of special geological interest.

The Starlight destination collects numerous options for stargazing, many of them in places of special beauty and of great natural and cultural value, such as: the Arca da Piosa dolmen, the Rostro beach, Cabo Touriñán, Cemiterio dos Ingleses, Castro de Borneiro, Punta Nariga, Espazo Natural de Razo-Baldaio, encoro da Fervenza, Soesto beach and the Monte Pindo.


The contemplation of the Perseids (August) and the Geminids (December) meteor showers; the night walk "Entre Lobos e Estrelas" (on September´s full moon);the "AstroTrevinca" (October) with "choco-anocheceres", an event where you can enjoy the sunset while drinking a cup of hot cocoa and appreciate the musical concerts of "Nanas para Trevinca" from the Star Viewpoint of O Rañadoiro are the main activities organised under the umbrella of the Starlight Tourist Destination. The true backbone of the Trevinca Starlight Tourist Destination is the Milky Way and the Way of the Stars. The Starlight Tourist Destination is a triangular space bounded by the vertexes of A Tablilla das Lagoas, Pico Maluro and O Rañadoiro, within the Protected Natural Area of Pena Trevinca, declared a SACs(Special Conservation Area) and SAPs(Special Protection Area)areas, in the municipality of A Veiga, bordering the Sanabria Natural Park. Trevinca has excellent qualities for contemplating the starry skies due to its distance from large population centres and its altitude.


Muras is located up north in the province of Lugo with a night sky free of light pollution which makes it an ideal place to enjoy astro-tourism. The Sociedade Galega de Historia Natural organises regular astronomical activities in the municipality to contemplate the sky and do astrophotography.

The ten locations with the best observation points are distributed in two areas:

The first encompasses three locations: Miradoiro das Campelas da Auga, Miradoiro da Cruz da Fraga Gorda and Miradoiro do Piocorto.

The second covers seven locations: Cruz de Bestemuz, Miradoiro de Manzoi, Miradoiro da Gañidoira, Alto da Amosa, Área de autocaravanas, Cruz do Campo and Carballeira do Viveiró.


Lalín is the centre of Galicia's astronomical history, since among its Illustrious Sons you´ll find the great astronomer Ramón Mª Aller, who started up the Lalín Observatory (recovered in 2011), the basis for creating the Observatory of the University of Santiago de Compostela.

A geodesic vertex in the parish of Maceira was chosen as the observation point, located at an altitude of 743 m, from which a 360º panoramic view can be seen. During the day it is a magnificent viewpoint from which the main peaks of the Deza region and its surroundings can be seen: o Farelo, the Serra do Faro, o Candán, o Carrio and even the Pico Sacro towards Compostela. On the other hand, at night it is a privileged place from where you can contemplate the sky in all its splendour, including a perfect view of the Milky Way.

In addition to this place, two other observation points are suggested, one of them in a hillock located in Albarellos and the other one very close to the Fraga de Catasós.

Reserva de Biosfera Mariñas Coruñesas

The Mariñas Coruñesas Biosphere Reserve is located on the Cantabrian-Atlantic coast of Galicia, in the municipality of A Coruña. This territory includes coastal areas, coastal valleys and inland mountain ranges, extending over 17 municipalitiessurrounding the city of A Coruña and reaching the border with the province of Lugo. It is the first Certified Ecotourism Destination in Galicia and has its own Quality Mark, protected by UNESCO, which certifies the quality and sustainability of its tourism sector, which designs and develops different Starlight activities.

Mariñas Coruñesas offers numerous options for stargazing, many of them in places of special beauty, of great natural, ethnographic and cultural value, where we can stargaze whilst tasting food that is prepared with local and seasonal products made by chefs from the “Restaurantes de la Biosfera”, and stay in one of the “Alojamientos de la Biosfera”, or experience a certified ecotourism trail or experience.

ural houses and hotels can also achieve a qualification awarded by the Starlight Foundation if they are committed to stargazing and the quality of the sky. In addition, information on Starlight and various ways to stargaze should be made available to customers.   In Galicia, these requirements are met by the  Casa da Pedreira in Cuntis, which also organises guided stargazing trips.

Biosphere Reserve of Os Ancares Lucenses y Montes de Navia, Cervantes y Becerreá.

This Biosphere Reserve covers the municipalities of Becerreá, Cervantes and Navia de Suarna, in the eastern part of the province of Lugo. This award, presented in April 2024, aims to encourage the necessary measures to adapt light sources and promote specialised services and resources for the development of this destination. Signs and indicators will be installed, and star-gazebos will be erected in the darkest yet accessible areas, with space for astronomical tourism activities.

Rural houses and hotels can also achieve a qualification awarded by the Starlight Foundation if they are committed to stargazing and the quality of the sky. In addition, information on Starlight and various ways to stargaze should be made available to customers.   In Galicia, these requirements are met by the  Casa da Pedreira in Cuntis, which also organises guided stargazing trips and Casa Savi in Miño.
