?Pulpo a feira? (Galician style octopus) workshop

Learn everything about Galician octopus, from the moment it’s caught until served in the plate, come to know all the different steps for a good preparation and cooking.
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Galician style octopus is known as Polvo a feira in Galicia, one of the most famous dishes in traditional Galician cooking. We can say it’s a festive feast as it’s always present in parties, festivals and local festivities and always surrounded by the spectacle of as “pulpeiras”, women cooking and cutting the octopus. During this workshop you’ll learn everything about the octopus from the moment it’s caught until it’s served in the plate, and more importantly how to prepare it and how to cook it to reach the perfect consistency.

Full program

?Pulpo a feira? (Galician style octopus) workshop

Services included

Demonstration class of 2h30-3 hours
Cooking and its distinctive features

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