Our never-to-be-equalled journey now takes us to the city of Lugo, where the walls are the best preserved example of Roman military fortifications anywhere in the world. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the walls are an outstanding example of a way of building that exemplifies a variety of significant periods in the history of mankind.

From their Roman origins, through the tumultuous period of the Middle Ages and down to the ground-breaking and revolutionary 19th century, they constitute a unique monument that displays the different facets of the way in which the city of Lugo, in itself a conservation area of major importance, has evolved from the original Roman settlement of Lucus Augusti.

Everything in Lugo revolves around its walls, which are the true heart of the city. To climb up to the parapets and walk along the almost 2.3 kilometres of its broad two-thousand-year-old path is to be transported back in time, but to see people strolling, chatting or taking exercise will soon make you realise that the walls are more alive than ever, because in this sense they are just like any other of the streets of this enchanting city. Inside the walls, Lugo also boasts an impressive heritage that you should visit once you’re there, such as the Old Townor the Cathedral.

And a stroll through the delightful old quarter will undoubtedly lead you to a bar or restaurant where you can restore your energies: local specialities like polbo á feira (Galician-style octopus), lacón con grelos (boiled pork shoulder with turnip greens and potatoes) or filloas con mel (pancakes drizzled with honey) are well worth a try. The city didn’t earn its motto - E para comer, Lugo (And if it’s good food you’re looking for, then it has to be Lugo) – without good reason!

But there’s much more to Lugo than all that. If you happen to be here around the time of the summer solstice, or at the beginning of October, you can join in the throng of visitors who come to enjoy Arde Lucus, a three-day celebration that evokes the city’s Roman past, or San Froilán, a week-long festivity in honour of its patron saint, respectively.

Finally, you mustn’t forget that Lugo is built above one of Galicia’s biggest rivers, the Miño, which allows you to indulge in the luxury of a stroll along its carefully tended banks, in the shade cast by the magnificent specimens of local varieties of tree. And so, helped on your way by the delicious coolness of the banks of the Miño, it’s time to say farewell to this wonderful city; no wonder the Romans decided to make their home here!

For your information...
- Find out more at www.lugo.es
