Departing from O Castro de Caldelas

We will depart from the O Castro de Caldelas toward Monforte de Lemos, and will take a detour on the left, toward A Teixeira. We will ascend the A Teixeira (490 meters), from where we will enjoy awesome panoramic views over the valley of the Sil. We will travel along the hillside, westbound. We will have the chance of enjoying the traditional country house of Cristosende and the charming waterfall of River Mao, which flows from the Sierra de Montederramo and runs into the Sil. Further to traveling through the lands of Sacardebois and Chandrexa we will arrive in Parada de Sil, the capital of the municipality council.

From Parada de Sil to O Castro de Caldelas

From this point we will make two round trip excursions. The first will be to the Balcóns de Madrid, which is perhaps the best natural vantage point in the whole Ribeira Sacra. The second trip will be to the monastery of Santa Cristina de Ribas de Sil. We will need to travel a few kilometers along a solitary road, through luxuriant vegetation. Back to the main road and to Parada, we will take the road to Vilariño Frío.

From this point, we can travel to the monastery of Xunqueira de Espadanedo. Returning toward Castro Caldelas, we will turn right and take the detour to Montederramo to visit the Monastery de Santa María, located in the capital of the town council, and the Serra de San Mamede, and its renowned birch tree woodland. Following the old road from Ourense to Ponferrada we will return to our starting point, O Castro de Caldelas.
